Darkness Rising
The Aurora Tragedy, an Alternative Read
“Simulating blindness doesn’t mean you can’t be seen. Deniability is clearly implausible. What’s your plan of action?”
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10. In Limbo Now
SchoolLess is home! His intense and transcendent sojourn to the Mountain School has ended, much to his dismay. It’s been a tough transition week, not […]Read More
9. Streamlining
I’ve been devoting a lot of time these past weeks to streamlining. Mainlining, free falling, hop stepping, call it what you will. The point is […]Read More
8. The Social Fabric (preliminary outline)
1. My mother, tired on a cold and rainy Sunday night, explaining why she and my father, not particularly social, though not anti-social, beings, were […]Read More
7. How Things Are Done In Brownstone Brooklyn
I stepped in the other day as a last-minute chaperone for a field trip that SmallerMan’s class took to a Jewish community center to chat, […]Read More
6. Semi Rules
A couple of outtakes, from one of my favorite Paris Review interviews: “John McPhee, the Art of Nonfiction No. 3,” (or, if you prefer, as […]Read More
5. The Hype is the Hype
"The Truth Behind College Admission" in today’s New York Times nails it: “It’s not that fewer students are accepted; it’s that applications have run riot.” […]Read More
4. To Pretend (Ferguson)
I am not at all surprised by the verdict or the various reactions to it. The optimist who I want to be sees a silver […]Read More
3. Rhetorical Shenanigans
A. First real decision of the day: escalator v. elevator. On the one hand, despite extensive summer of 2013 repairs the escalator seems not to […]Read More