Search by tag «Skeptic»

Entries found: 12
Learn more »Juxtaposition


This, That, & Other Things
“There are connections to be made here. Meaning is where you make it.” Read More

Learn more »Failed Youths

Failed Youths

What Mortality Means
“There are downsides, of course, to caring about the wrong things or caring too much about the right things, not to mention getting pissed off at other’s lack of caring.” Read More

Learn more »Life is Good

Life is Good

Narration, Looking on the Bright Side, & Other Artistic Endeavors
“I’ve been grieving, not quite rationally, though I am beginning to feel cautiously optimistic that some sense of closure approaches, even as I am aware that the passive nature of this statement may suggest otherwise.” Read More

Learn more »A Reluctant Blessing

A Reluctant Blessing

Beautiful Day, Baseball in the Park
“We hit, we pitch, we catch, all three of us, in these moments, unencumbered, fraughtless, and free.” Read More

Learn more »Just Doing It

Just Doing It

The High School Admissions Process (More or Less)
“Sometimes there are obvious solutions—eat a cracker, ask for help, write sentences—and sometimes not. Don’t look the former in the mouth, don’t let the latter overwhelm, and don’t mistake the two.” Read More

Learn more »Listing


Abe the Cat, Kafka, Johnny Cash, My Father, etc.
“I become passive, overwhelmed, immobilized. I elude myself, my purpose defeated.” Read More

Learn more »Not <em>Too</em> Optimistic

Not Too Optimistic

Assessing “The Project” Now & Into the Future
“Most people should not be home schooled, my dad says, and I agree.” Read More

Learn more »I’m Not Dostoevsky

I’m Not Dostoevsky

On Wallowing, Executive Dysfunction, & Other Mishigas
"I am not a sick man. I am not a spiteful man. I am not an unpleasant man. My liver, as far as I know, is in excellent health." Read More

Learn more »The Glint of Light

The Glint of Light

Truth, Expectation, & the Pursuit of Happiness
“Truth can be distorted, limited, irrelevant, meaningless. Truth can be false.” Read More

Learn more »The Rigor

The Rigor

Curriculum Matters & the Risk of “Other”
“I do not focus on what SchoolLess isn’t getting—some of which is loss, some of which is gain—but on what he is getting.” Read More

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