Search by tag «On Writing and Not»

Entries found: 17
Learn more »I Do What I Can

I Do What I Can

On the Relativity of Time, Truth, Sanity, & Other Things.
"This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me [dear metaphorical] God."Read More

Learn more »How to Get Started

How to Get Started

Creative Process & Redemptive Possibilities
“I do not, for the life of me, know how to become who I want to be. I can’t get there from here.” Read More

Learn more »The Agony and the Ecstasy

The Agony and the Ecstasy

On Irony, Optimism, Perfection, & Relative Sanity
“The thrum of the heavy, pulsing downbeat, an affect to which I am susceptible, began to feel to me as I imagine a hit of heroin feels to an addict: calming, insistent, essential, and ultimately insufficient.” Read More

Learn more »Juxtaposition


This, That, & Other Things
“There are connections to be made here. Meaning is where you make it.” Read More

Learn more »Failed Youths

Failed Youths

What Mortality Means
“There are downsides, of course, to caring about the wrong things or caring too much about the right things, not to mention getting pissed off at other’s lack of caring.” Read More

Learn more »Young Writer at Work: The Art of Fiction No. 1

Young Writer at Work: The Art of Fiction No. 1

The Art of Fiction No. 1: In Which SchoolLess Interviews Himself
“But I think, to be blunt, that writing about a total asshole is entertaining, and write about someone who is nice, happy, and energetic is boring.” Read More

Learn more »Project Morris

Project Morris

Writing, Creativity, Process: Like Father, Like Son
“Unlike perspiration, inspiration is unpredictable; it is dependent on the complex brain and not the relatively simple body.” Read More

Learn more »Over the Rainbow

Over the Rainbow

On Writing (Or Not) One Day At a Time
“The gist of the story is that if, and who can argue with this, a writer is “one who writes,” then I was barely one. Read More

Learn more »Where I’m From

Where I’m From

Writing Is Destiny
“I am made of my over-reactive mom and my under-reactive dad.” Read More

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